Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins around the anus or the lower rectum.

Nearly three out of four adults will have hemorrhoids from time to time. Hemorrhoids are more common in people between the ages of 45 and 65.

Hemorrhoids have a number of causes, but often the cause is unknown. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external.

External hemorrhoids are outside the anal opening. Hemorrhoids can sometimes be painful or itchy. They can also bleed during bowel movements.


Symptoms Of Internal Hemorrhoids

You may not have obvious symptoms of internal hemorrhoids. Sometimes, bowel movement can irritate the internal hemorrhoids and cause bleeding. If the internal hemorrhoids are pushed out of your anal opening, the bleeding during bowel movements and the symptoms in the anal area may be as follows:





-a lump



Symptoms Of External Hemorrhoids

Symptoms tend to vary depending on the severity of your hemorrhoids. Some of the symptoms that you may have include the following:

-Itching or irritation in your anal region

-Pain or discomfort

-Swelling around your anus


What are the risk factors for hemorrhoids?

The risk factors for hemorrhoids are mostly related to increased pressure on the anal and rectal veins. A family history of hemorrhoids may increase your risk. The risk factors include:

-anal intercourse

-frequent constipation or diarrhea


-straining during bowel movements

-overusing enemas or laxatives



-spending too long sitting on the toilet

-not having enough dietary fiber

How to Prevent Piles?

1- Don't Hold It In

If you’ve got the urge, visit the washroom. Don’t hold it in since it can worsen your piles by putting pressure on the veins in your rectum.

2- Don't Strain

When you go to the bathroom, don’t force your bowel movements or try to push it out on your own. This could lead to excessive bleeding following more inflammation. Let your bowels move naturally and take your time.


3- Exercise

Exercising moves your lymphatic system and keeps your colon working. This relieves pressure and lowers the burden on your rectum. Avoid sitting for long hours and move more.

1- Treatment Of Hemorrhoids With St. John's Wort

The treatment recommendations here are for non-chronic hemorrhoids. 

Treatment Of Internal Hemorrhoids

If possible, use homemade St John's Wort oil.

- if your weight is below 60 kg, drink a dessert spoon of St. John's wort oil, on an empty stomach two times daily. For your treatment, 300 mL of  St. John's wort oil will suffice.


- if your weight is over 60 kg, drink a tablespoon of St. John's wort oil, on an empty stomach two times daily. For your treatment, 600 mL of St. John's wort oil will suffice.

- Do not eat anything for the next 60 minutes.

- After 2 weeks your pain will disappear completely.

- Be patient and drink this oil everyday for a month.


Treatment Of Exerternal Hemorrhoids

-Gently apply several times St. John's Wort oil or cream, inserting your finger into your anus on the affected area.

Make sure that your fingernail is too short when inserting your finger. Otherwise, it will irritate your anus and therefore your treatment will be prolonged. You don't need to drink the St. John's Wort oil.

-Repeat three times a day until the piles heal completely.

-This is definitely a form of treatment you will get results. There are no patients who apply this treatment and do not heal. Just be patient and continue your treatment for 4 weeks until it heals.

-Stay away from bitter and sour foods and spices such as hot pepper during the treatment. Consuming these foods can prolong your healing process.

2- Treatment Of Hemorrhoids With Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel has been used historically to treat hemorrhoids and various skin conditions. It’s thought to have anti-inflammatory properties, which might help reduce irritation.

The treatment recommendations here are for non-chronic hemorrhoids.


Treatment Of Exerternal Hemorrhoids

-Gently apply several times aloe vera gel, inserting your finger into your anus on the affected area.

Make sure that your fingernail is too short when inserting your finger. Otherwise, it will irritate your anus and therefore your treatment will be prolonged.

-Repeat three times a day until the external hemorrhoids heal completely.

-This is definitely a form of treatment you will get results. Just be patient and continue your treatment for 2 to 4 weeks until it heals.

-Stay away from bitter and sour foods and spices such as hot pepper during the treatment. (Since it is acidic, especially stay away from tomatoes.) Consuming these foods can prolong your healing process.

Some people are allergic to aloe vera, particularly those who are allergic to garlic or onions. Check for allergic reaction by rubbing a dime-sized amount onto your forearm. Wait 24 to 48 hours. If no reaction occurs, it should be safe to use. 

3- Treatment Of Hemorrhoids With Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a powerful remedy for soothing inflammation in the muscles and has astringent properties. It can be used for piles treatment at home.

-Soak a cotton ball in the witch hazel solution.

-Apply them gently to the affected anal areas for a few minutes.

-Repeat this 3-4 times a day for best results.


4- Treatment Of Hemorrhoids With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties which help relieve pain. It also has astringent properties. They fight against bacteria to help speed up the healing process.

-Simply apply coconut oil directly to the affected areas using your fingers.

-Make sure they are clean before applying.

-Do this remedy three times a day until the lumps go away.


5- Treatment Of Hemorrhoids With Bay Leaf

The treatment recommendations here are for non-chronic hemorrhoids.

Treatment Of Internal Hemorrhoids


An effective remedy in the fight against hemorrhoids is tincture of bay leaves. To prepare the solution, you will need to take about 25 leaves of the plant and 3 liters of boiling water. The container with the composition should be well insulated, and allowed to brew for 24 hours.

Important: It is recommended to use the composition either before meals or after. The reason for this is bitterness, which can cause irritation of the stomach. That is why bay leaf is not used in the presence of ulcers and inflammations of various nature, as well as in diseases of the duodenum.

For acute painful conditions, it is recommended to drink 0.5 liters of tincture in small sips per day. The initial course of treatment will be 1 week. Then you need to take a break, and continue treatment after 7 days. 


Bay Leaf Tea

Boil 1 liter of chlorine-free water. Put 10 grams bay leaf into it and brew for 20 minutes. Then strain and drink about 1⁄2 cup, 3–4 times daily on an empty stomach. on an empty stomach. Keep the remaining bay leaf tea in the refrigerator.

Treatment Of Exerternal Hemorrhoids


The use of the bath gives a positive effect in the treatment of all stages and forms of the disease in question. To prepare the composition required to prepare 100 grams. bay leaf and 5 liters of hot water. Once the solution has cooled, you can take a sedentary bath. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. 

The course of treatment should be 10 - 12 baths. After 10 days, you can re-treatment. Important: Laurel baths help relieve the symptoms of bleeding hemorrhoids and completely rid of the disease.

Treatment with lotions

For the composition will need to take 10 grams of plants and a glass of hot water. Allow to brew the solution, but not more than 7 minutes. Do not treat the painful area with hot remedy.

To do this, wait until the medicinal decoction reaches room temperature. Only in this case the composition is moistened with a prepared tissue or gauze bandage.

Put lotions in the area of ​​the anus with a duration of 3 minutes, or until completely dry. You should do a few repetitions throughout the day. It is recommended to treat the anal area in the morning and evening.

This method of treatment can reduce swelling and inflammation. The duration of treatment is not more than 21 days. As a rule, compresses are used until the complete disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.


It's recommended that patients with the following diseases be abstained from using bay leaves

-Peptic ulcer and inflammatory bowel disease due to the ability of the agent to irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

-Impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver, urinary system.


-Dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

-Individual intolerance to the active components of bay leaves.

-Internal use of decoctions and infusions is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When using bay leaf can develop various side effects

Internal intake of decoction or infusion can cause bitterness in the mouth, constipation, nausea, tachycardia, heart failure, chest pain.

External use can cause irritation, itching, burning, allergic reactions.

With the development of the described or any other undesirable effects, it is necessary to discontinue treatment and consult a doctor.


6- Treatment Of Hemorrhoids With Epsom Salt And Glycerin

This less-known home treatment can help painful hemorrhoids. Use these simple ingredients to make a compound that you apply directly to the inflamed area.

The treatment recommendations here are for non-chronic hemorrhoids.


Treatment Of Exerternal Hemorrhoids

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with 2 tablespoons of glycerin.

2. Apply the mixture to a gauze pad and place it on the painful area.

3. Leave this application on the area for 15 to 20 minutes.

4. Repeat every four to six hours until the pain eases.

7- Amazon Health Products: Hemorrhoid Treatment Gel Fast Acting - Easier and Cleaner Application Than Hemorrhoid Cream and Hemorrihoid Ointment - Best for Itching Burning Swelling Pain Relief - 6 Applicators

About this item

✅ FAST RELIEF: This hemorrhoid treatment gel is a fast-acting instant remedy that works to relieve the discomfort associated with hemorrhoids. By shrinking the distended veins in and around the anal cavity, this hemorrhoid cream gel will provide immediate relief from pain, itching, burning sensation, and bleeding.

✅ ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Our hemorrhoids gel contains the formula that is made of all-natural and gentle ingredients. This hemorrhoid cream has been clinically proven to work on instant relief for pain, burning and itching, and reduces swelling. The hemorrhoid treatment ingredients are selected to provide you with a relaxing, soothing and cooling sensation that reduces swelling and inflammation.

✅ CONVENIENT AND EFFICIENT: Our hemorrhoids gel allows easy application for an immediate solution. This fast-absorbing pain relief hemorrhoid cream provides effective relief against an irritating problem such as inflamed fissures rectum, swollen hemorrhoidal tissue during pregnancy piles -plus other pesky discomforts such as bleeding and swelling.

✅ EASY AND SIMPLE APPLICATION: Our hemorrhoid pain relief products come in handy applicators that make it easier to apply the gel directly to your internal and external mixed hemorrhoid. One specific unit contains six applicators. Our hemorrhoids cream contains no steroids or chemicals that can cause irritation making it safe to use and has no known side effects.

✅ FRESH SCENT: People who suffer from hemorrhoids find the symptoms to be painful, embarrassing, and unattractive. This hemorrhoid ointment eliminates all of these unwanted problems because it's non-greasy like other products on the market today. This hemorrhoid treatment gel has no unpleasant or horrible scent so you can use this product with ease and go on with your daily life!

You can get information about this product and other alternative products by clicking the pictures.

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