Home Remedy For Irregular Period

A menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of a period to the first day of the next. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this can vary from woman to woman, and month to month.

Your periods are still considered regular if they come every 24 to 38 days. Your periods are considered irregular if the time between periods keeps changing and your periods come earlier or later.

1- Treatment Of Irregular Period With St. John's Wort

Consult your doctor first, if you will use St. John's wort. If you have a serious condition, it is best to consult with a doctor for help. Some conditions might be warning signs of other illnesses that only a medical professional can accurately diagnose.


If possible, use homemade St John's Wort oil. 


if your weight is below 60 kg, drink a teaspoon of St. John's wort oil, on an empty stomach two times daily. For your treatment, 75 mL of  St. John's wort oil will suffice.

Or  drink a glass  of St. John's wort tea, on an empty stomach two times daily. (Place 1 pieces St. John's wort bag or 1 teaspoon of dried St. John's wort inside your teapot.)

if your weight is over 60 kg, drink a dessert spoon of St. John's wort oil, on an empty stomach two times daily. For your treatment, 150 mL of St. John's wort oil will suffice.

Or  drink a glass  of St. John's wort tea, on an empty stomach two times daily. (Place 2 pieces St. John's Wort bag or 2 teaspoons of dried St. John's wort inside your teapot.)

Do not eat anything for the next 60 minutes.

Be patient and drink this oil everyday for 2 weeks.

Do not take St. John's Wort

-If you are under 18 years.

-If you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

-If your skin is very sensitive to sunlight.

-If you are about to have an operation.

-If you have high blood pressure, absolutely do not use the St. John's wort. First treat your high blood pressure.  (Click for treatment of your high blood pressure)

-Those who will apply this prescription absolutely should not use doctor prescription or  herbal medicines.Do not take St. John's wort with any drugs. Because St. John’s Wort can reduce the effect of the drugs.

-Talk to your pharmacist or doctor before you buy this medicine to make sure it is suitable for you.

-They should stay away from smoking and alcohol during the treatment.

-Those who will use this prescription should have left antibiotics 3 days ago and cortisone medications 1 month ago.

-If you take St. John's wort in conjunction with other anti-depressants, your serotonin (i.e. brain chemical that anti-depressants target) levels may rise to an unsafe level. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include tremor, diarrhea, muscle stiffness, decrease in body temperature, death, and extreme confusion.

How to prepare St. John's wort tea?

I. Pour a cup of water inside the teapot.


II. Boil the water. (Do not boil the St. John’s Wort)

III. Place 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried St. John's Wort inside your teapot. 

Or place 1 or 2 pieces St. John's Wort bag inside your teapot.

IV. Let your tea steep for about 10 minutes. And then strain. 

2- Amazon Health Products: Namyaa Anartava -for Delayed and Irregular Periods 500Ml

About this item

Is an exclusive Ayurvedic syrup that is here to treat Anartava (Amenorrhea) as part of the Ayurvedic principles of Stree Roga Chikitsa.

Makes for a long-lasting solution for delayed periods and helps regularise the period cycle and flow every month while pacifying Vata and Kapha.

Free from any kind of dangerous chemicals, harsh metals, fertilizers, pesticides, artificial fragrance and any kind of added synthetics or other additives.

Not only helps restore the natural menstrual cycle to 28-31 days, but also helps promote timely ovulation, treats hormonal imbalance, removes toxins as it helps provide for blood purification.

Comes packed with the goodness of powerful Ayurvedic ingredients like, Aloe Vera, Pippali, Karanja, Krishna-Tila, Kultha and other rare and certified beneficial herbs and extracts.

You can get information about this product and other alternative products by clicking the picture.

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