Common Cold And Flu In Children

Who should avoid herbal medicines?

Taking a herbal medicine may not be suitable for:

-People taking other medicines

-People with serious health conditions, such as liver or kidney disease

-People who are going to have surgery

-Pregnant or breastfeeding women

-The elderly

-Children – as with all medicines, herbal medicines should be kept out of the sight and reach of children

Home Remedies For Common Cold And Flu In Children

Tips to Help Your Child Feel Better

- Offer plenty of liquids. Fever, which is common with the flu, can lead to dehydration. Offer plain water, ice pops, icy drinks mixed in a blender, and soft fruits (like melons or grapes).

- Encourage your child to rest in bed or on the couch with a supply of magazines, books, quiet music, and perhaps a favorite movie.

- Use a humidifier. A humidifier in your child's room can keep the air moist and break up nasal and chest congestion.

- Talk to your pediatrician before giving OTC cold and cough medicines. These medicines should not be given to children under 4 years of age, according to the FDA and the drug makers. Also, evidence indicates medicines such as antihistamines, decongestants, and cough medicines don't really help, but they could pose a small risk of serious side effects.

- Never give aspirin to children or teens, as such use has been linked to Reye syndrome, a rare but serious condition that can be fatal.

1- Nettle Tea

Nettle tea is a reliable and effective herbal tea that can be used in the treatment of children with colds or flu.


-1 teapot

-1 cup of water

-1 pieces nettle bag or 2 g of dried nettle


-Pour a cup of water inside the teapot and boil the water.

-Then place 1 pieces nettle bag or 2 g of dried nettle inside your teapot.

-Let your tea steep for about 10 minutes. And then strain. 

-Give your child ¼ , ½ or 1 cup of this tea, according the to feel age, on an empty stomach 2 or 3 times daily.

-If you want you can add honey. 

2- Bay Leaf Tea

Bay leaf tea can be effective in opening nasal passages. So your child can breathe easier. This means a good night's sleep.


-1 Cup of water

-1 teapot

-2 Bay leaves

-Pour 1 cup of water into the teapot and boil the water.

-Place 2 bay (daphne) leaves.

-Give your child ¼ or ½ cup of this tea, according the to feel age, on an empty stomach 2 or 3 times daily.

It is recommended that patients with the following diseases be abstained from using bay leaves:

-Peptic ulcer and inflammatory bowel disease due to the ability of the agent to irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

-Impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver, urinary system.


-Dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

-Individual intolerance to the active components of bay leaves.

3- Garlic Tea

One of the best known benefits of garlic herbal tea is its ability to help  when your child have a cold and flu. 

It fights nasty cold symptoms and treats flus, helping you to recover while at the same time strengthening respiratory system of your child.

The garlic infusion helps to treat hoarseness, coughs and a sore throat as well.

Attention: Large medicinal doses for long periods can increase the risk of bleeding. Because garlic can increase the risk of bleeding, people who take blood thinners should not take garlic.


-1 garlic clove per cup of water.

-1 Cup of water

-1 teapot


-Pour a cup of water inside the teapot and boil the water.

-Then Chop and crush one garlic clove and place it inside your teapot.

-Let your tea steep for about 15 minutes. And then strain. 

-Add honey and lemon juice to taste.

-Give your child ¼ or ½ cup of this tea, according the to feel age, on an empty stomach 2 times daily.

4- Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is good for soothing both cold and flu symptoms.  The hot soup helps break up the congestion associated with both colds  and the flu. The salt in the soup and its warmth can soothe a sore throat. A 2000 study claimed to have shown that it also has anti-inflammatory  properties, which can relieve congestion too, although this is still uncertain.

5- Milk-Turmeric Mixture

Turmeric has a strong antiseptic content. It causes the death of bacteria that cause excessive mucus production in the respiratory tract. It also strengthens the immune system and provides protection and resistance to possible diseases.

Attention: Large medicinal doses for long periods can increase the risk of bleeding. Because turmeric can increase the risk of bleeding, people who take blood thinners should not take turmeric.


-Put a teaspoon of powdered turmeric in a cup of hot milk.

-Add honey.

-Give your child ½  or 1 cup of this mixture, according the to feel age, on an empty stomach 2 times daily.

If your child has a cough
-Cough syrups can’t cure the cold or flu, and some can cause serious side effects like seizures. The FDA warns against using OTC cough medicines for kids younger than age 2. And doctors aren’t sure how safe these drugs are for older kids.

Instead, give your child a teaspoon of honey. The thick liquid will coat his throat and relieve coughing. But don’t give it to babies under 12 months -- it’s not safe for them.

-Before going to bed at night, apply a thin layer of honey to your child's back and then cover it with a paper towel. If you try this app 2-3 times, it will stop coughing. Quality of honey is important.

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